
NY Forward Planning Meeting

In order to maintain and expand our infrastructure to meet our current and future needs, the Village of Sleepy Hollow seeks funding from County, State and Federal sources. These additional funds supplement Sleepy Hollow’s capital budget, lessening the financial burden on taxpayers

Over the last few years, The Village of Sleepy Hollow was awarded in grants close to $10 million earmarked for 21 projects. These funds were obtained by the Village after submitting applications to a variety of public sources. Each grant required that the village demonstrate the capacity to complete the proposed project or program and our record for successfully disbursing public funds in the past.


$4,500,000 (NY Forward) - For downtown revitalization (Awarded)

$160,000 (Market NY) - For a Washington Irving themed circus (Completed)

$125,000 (Market NY) - For Music Festival (Awarded)

$20,000 (Main Street) - For Downtown Planning Study (Awarded)


$856,000 (DOT/Dormitory) - For new sidewalks on Beekman Avenue and an ADA compliant traffic signal at Beekman Avenue and Washington Street (Completed)

$275,000 (CDBG 2021) - For new sidewalks on Clinton Street and streetscape improvements (Completed)

$250,000 (Assemblyman Abinanti SAM) - For downtown sidewalks (Awarded)  

$200,000 (Senator Harckham SAM) - For new sidewalks on Rt. 9 from Pocantico Street to Pierson Avenue (Awarded)

$40,000 (Greenway) - To design a Riverside Drive Riverwalk extension (Engineer Chosen) 


$625,000 (Senator Harckham SAM/DEC) - For Pocantico River shoreline stabilization, trails and Devries Park improvements (Work Started)

$400,000 (Assemblyman Abinanti SAM) – For Skatepark (Awarded)   

$245,000 (DOS/Dormitory) – For Statue Island Improvements (Design Phase)

$80,000 (Multi-Modal/Assemblyman Abinanti) - For the plaza at the top of Cortlandt Street (Design Phase)

$16,000 (FEMA) Reimbursement for damage to Devries Park caused by Hurricane Ida  (Completed)


$1,026,166 (ARPA) - ** ** To be determined (Awarded)

$325,000 (DOT) - For Route 9 Drainage to prevent contaminants from entering the Mill Pond at Historic Hudson Valley (Design Phase)  

$292,487 (DEC) - To improve water quality in Fremont Pond (Engineer chosen)

$200,000 (CDBG 2022) - For College-Cortlandt-Clinton pipe relining (Awarded)

$200,000 (CDBG 2022) – North Washington Drainage (Awarded)

$100,000 (CDBG 2020) - For drainage improvements on Clinton Street (Completed)

$73,750 (DEC) - For a Climate Smart Action Plan (Consultant chosen)

$38,100 (DEC) – For Two Level 1 Charging Ports (Awarded) 

$36,818 (DEC) - For Invasive species control along the Pocantico River (In Process)

$28,800 (EFC Engineering Planning Grant) - To study storm water infiltration entering into the  sanitary sewer system (Engineer to be chosen)

$11,286 (DEC) - For Food Scrap Education Program (Completed)


2,000,000 (Climate Smart) - The Sleepy Hollow Local Development secured these funds to be used to help fund the new DPW garage located at the Sleepy Hollow Common (Design Phase)

$2,000,000 (ESD) - The Sleepy Hollow Local Development secured these funds to be used to help fund part of the Sleepy Hollow Common Project (Awarded)      

$1,580,000 (ESD) - The Sleepy Hollow Local Development secured these funds to be used to help fund Phase 1 of the Sleepy Hollow Common Project (Awarded)     

$25,000 (Assemblyman Abinanti/SAM) – Medical Equipment for the Ambulance Corps. (Awarded)  

$12,772.50 (The Leary Foundation) - For Fire Department Washer and Dryer